SmartieGym Forest Hill

SmartieGym Baby Shabbat (368 Eglinton Ave W)

Fridays 11:30 am-12:15 pm

April 25th - June 20th

SIGN UP / LOG IN TO CONTINUE Class fee: $295 + HST Age group: 4 - 12 months

SmartieGym Baby Shabbat is an interactive baby class that will strengthen your little ones muscles and get their bodies movin’ and groovin’ to some Shabbat tunes! The class will allow babies of all developmental stages to explore SmartieGym along with their caregiver & participate in a music & movement-based Shabbat circle time. As always, we will end class with parachute, light show and bubbles! This 45-minute class is the perfect opportunity to bond with your babe on Shabbat, explore the soft play equipment and have a blast!



Class Location

SmartieGym Forest Hill

368 Eglinton Avenue West

Session Info


  • Capacity inside Smartiepants will be 12 kids, capacity inside SmartieGym will be 15 kids
  • Children may be allowed to bring an allergen-free snack & water to class (age/class dependent)
  • HEPA-Filters will be running all day


  • Smartiepants/SmartieGym reserves the right to cancel a program due to insufficient enrolment (you will receive a full refund)
  • If the session/pro-rated classes are cancelled due to a government-mandated shut down – Smartiepants/SmartieGym will offer you alternative programming in lieu of classes or will provide credit options
  • If your child is absent from a class, we are unable to provide makeup classes or credits/refunds – Up to 1 free drop-in per session, per child may be offered at our discretion
  • There is some free and some paid street parking surrounding each location; GreenP Location ID’s: Smartiepants: 6130, SmartieGym Forest Hill: 6102 or 6143, SmartieGym St. Clair: 5201
  • Strollers are to be parked outside of Smartiepants/SmartieGym – feel free to bring a stroller lock in order to lock your stroller to the bike rack. Smartiepants/SmartieGym is not responsible for any loss or theft of items left outside
SmartieGym Baby Class SmartieGym Baby Class SmartieGym Baby Class SmartieGym Baby Class SmartieGym Baby Class SmartieGym Baby Class