SmartieGym St. Clair

SmartieDancers x Groove School of Dance

Tuesdays 4:00 pm-5:00 pm

October 8th - December 10th

SIGN UP / LOG IN TO CONTINUE Class fee: $320 + HST Age group: 3 - 4 years (drop off)

SmartieGym St. Clair is excited to be collaborating with Groove School of Dance for our first ever SmartieDANCERS classl!
This class is perfect for 3-4 year olds that are ready to put on their dancing shoes and move & groove! We will begin with free exploration of SmartieGym for 20 minutes and then a Groove School of Dance facilitator will run a 40 minute interactive, dance class.

DROP OFF CLASS – must be potty trained to join.


Class Location

Smartiegym St. Clair

1078 St. Clair Avenue West

Session Info


  • Capacity inside Smartiepants will be 12 kids, capacity inside SmartieGym will be 15 kids
  • Children may be allowed to bring an allergen-free snack & water to class (age/class dependent)
  • Commercial grade HEPA-Filters will be running all day


  • Smartiepants/SmartieGym reserves the right to cancel a program due to insufficient enrolment (you will receive a full refund)
  • If the session/pro-rated classes are cancelled due to a government-mandated shut down – Smartiepants/SmartieGym will offer you alternative programming in lieu of classes or will provide credit options
  • If your child is absent from a class, we are unable to provide makeup classes or credits/refunds – Up to 1 free drop-in per session, per child may be offered at our discretion
  • There is some free and some paid street parking surrounding each location; GreenP Location ID’s: Smartiepants: 6130, SmartieGym Forest Hill: 6102 or 6143, SmartieGym St. Clair: 5201
  • Strollers are to be parked outside of Smartiepants/SmartieGym – feel free to bring a stroller lock in order to lock your stroller to the bike rack. Smartiepants/SmartieGym is not responsible for any loss or theft of items left outside